
马斯克将Twitter Blue“复出”再度推迟;美国最高法院为立法者查阅特朗普纳税记录扫清道路丨双语资讯速览

我是小F FT每日英语 2022-11-26




The Supreme Court has cleared the way for US lawmakers to access Donald Trump’s tax returns, following numerous attempts by the former president to keep them from a congressional committee investigating his conduct in office.

美国最高法院为美国议员查阅唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的纳税申报表扫清了道路,此前这位前总统曾多次试图阻止国会委员会调查他在任期间的行为。

The brief unsigned order handed down on Tuesday means the Democratic-led Ways and Means Committee — which has been asking for the files since 2019 — could get its hands on six years of Trump’s tax returns before Republicans take control of the House of Representatives and its committees in January.


In a statement on Tuesday, Richard E Neal, chair of the committee, said: “We knew the strength of our case, we stayed the course, followed the advice of counsel, and finally, our case has been affirmed by the highest court in the land.”

该委员会主席理查德•E•尼尔(Richard E Neal)在周二的一份声明中表示:“我们知道我们的案子有多有力,我们坚持到底,遵循律师的建议,最终,我们的案子得到了美国最高法院的确认。”

——本文2022年11月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为US Supreme Court clears way for lawmakers to access Trump tax records




The party of Brazil’s outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro has challenged the outcome of the runoff election he narrowly lost last month, calling for the cancellation of ballots from electronic voting machines with alleged malfunctions.

巴西即将离任的总统雅伊尔•博索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的政党对他上个月以微弱劣势输掉的决选结果提出质疑,呼吁取消据称存在故障的电子投票机的选票。

The far-right populist was defeated on October 31 by his leftist rival and former national leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who picked up 50.9 per cent of votes in the tightest presidential election in the history of the South American country.

10月31日,这位极右翼民粹主义者被他的左翼对手、前国家领导人路易斯•伊纳西奥•卢拉•达席尔瓦(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)击败,后者在这个南美国家历史上最激烈的总统选举中获得50.9%的选票。

Bolsonaro’s Liberal party, or PL, is now seeking to overturn the result, with a complaint filed on Tuesday that claimed to have found “serious and irremediable inconsistencies” in older models of Brazil’s digital ballot boxes.

博索纳罗领导的自由党(Liberal party)正在寻求推翻选举结果。该党于周二提交了一份申诉,称发现巴西老式数字投票箱存在“严重且无法补救的不一致”。

——本文2022年11月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Jair Bolsonaro’s party challenges election defeat to Lula


马斯克将Twitter Blue“复出”


Elon Musk has postponed the relaunch of his flagship subscription service, Twitter Blue, in the latest sign of the challenges the billionaire is facing as he attempts to overhaul the social media platform.

埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)推迟了Twitter旗舰订阅服务Twitter Blue的重新推出。这是他在试图彻底改革这家社交媒体平台时面临挑战的最新迹象。

The billionaire entrepreneur, who bought Twitter for $44bn last month, tweeted on Monday evening that he was “holding off” from launching the product again until there was a “high confidence of stopping impersonation”.


Musk had planned to restart Twitter Blue on November 29 following its botched rollout earlier this month, which saw its “blue tick” feature abused by impersonators on the platform.

马斯克此前计划于11月29日重启Twitter Blue。本月早些时候推出这项订阅服务的努力以失败告终,因为其“蓝勾”功能被平台上的模仿者滥用。

——本文2022年11月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Elon Musk postpones Twitter Blue relaunch




Iran has announced an expansion of its nuclear enrichment programme, in a provocative response to a rebuke by the UN’s watchdog over the alleged existence of undeclared nuclear sites.


The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said on Tuesday that it had added the underground Fordow facility to the list of locations where it was enriching uranium to the 60 per cent purity level, just below weapons grade.

伊朗原子能组织(Atomic Energy Organization of Iran)负责人周二表示,它已将福尔多(Fordow)地下设施列入其将铀浓缩至60%纯度水平——略低于武器级别——的地点名单。

This followed a resolution by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board last week calling on Iran to co-operate over uranium traces found at three undeclared sites in the country.

此前,国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)董事会上周通过一项决议,呼吁伊朗就该国三个未申报地点发现的铀痕迹进行合作。

——本文2022年11月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Iran nuclear chief announces enrichment programme expansion




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